Customize the PRs and commits

Since every team uses different conventions and styles in their usage of Git and GitHub, we make it possible to customize most of what makes up the Depfu pull requests:

Commit Message

We always create a single commit per pull requests, even if we update multiple dependencies. You can choose from a set of a few predefined styles or customize the commit message yourself using simple variables from the Liquid template language.


We fetch all existing labels for this repo and allow you to select which ones we should add to the Depfu pull request. By default we create a "depfu" label and attach it to all our pull requests. If you want to use a new label, you have to create it on Github first, before it can be selected in Depfu.


Github pull requests can be assigned to a single user. We fetch the list of contributors to this project and let you choose if you want to assign someone. By default we don't assign anyone.

Review Requests

You can choose if we should request a code review from any of your contributors when we create the PR.

Unfortunately, due to limitations with the Github permission system, you cannot configure Depfu to request a review from a team.

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